Monday, March 2, 2009

Back to that first flight...

It took many more years for my fascination with Ravens to come back around to the forefront of my consciousness. I should probably finish this part of the story before moving on to the present moment...

I went back to England several years ago for a vacation. Actually, it was the end of a tryst and the beginning of a phenomenal relationship. My travelling partner wanted to see Stonehenge, Avebury and, of course Glastonbury Tor and town.

Glastonbury Tor is magnificent and the town itself is quite amazing. One really can feel something of the Otherworld there. It really isn't a "normal" place at all. I had never been, and didn't know what to expect. The words "sanctity", "home" and "Ravens" seemed to be never far from my mind. The feelings that swirled around me that I associated with those words were pervasive.

One afternoon, standing on the Tor, I saw Ravens all about. I had the sensation that they were talking to me, watching me and inviting me to, well, something...I hadn't really ever chatted with a Raven before!

I reached out with my Self, closed my eyes and decide to soar with them. This flight seemed quite normal and natural. I could see the surrounding area from, quite literally, a bird's eye view. I swooped around St. Michael's Tower and out over the farmlands that Pagans know as the Vale of Avalon.

Whether this was a meditation, a vision, a real flight or one hell of an imagination at work, I'll never know (and am actually not that interested in putting a label on was what it was) but the experience left me connected to the Tor, to Avalon, to the Ravens and to paganism.